The Incredible Power of Trusting Your Gut: Why That Funny Feeling Might Just Save Your Day

4 min readAug 13, 2024


Have you ever had that moment where something just feels… off? Maybe you’re about to pick a college friend, and despite their impressive academic record and shared love for music, there’s a nagging voice in your head saying, “Maybe not this one.” Or perhaps you’re considering joining a new study group for that tough Engineering Mathematics course, but something tells you it might not be the best fit, even though many others are signing up.

Well, my friends, that’s your gut talking. And let me tell you, it might just be the wisest part of you.

White background with black text that says — “Crazy how your instincts know something is off before you physically see it.”
From Piterest

The Relatable Gut Moment We’ve All Had

Picture this: It’s the first month of your engineering degree. You’re drowning in assignments, lab reports, and the constant pressure to maintain your grades. Everyone around you is laser-focused on their studies, pulling all-nighters, and stressing about placements even though they’re years away.

But then, you notice a small poster for a college cultural fest planning committee. Your schedule is already packed with classes and tutorials, and you’re not even sure if you have any event management skills. But something inside you whispers, “Give it a shot.”

Some people think you’re crazy. “Why waste time on extracurriculars? Focus on your CGPA!” they say. But that gut feeling persists.

Fast forward a semester, and guess what? That little decision to join the fest committee has become a game-changer. It’s where you’ve made friends across departments, discovered skills you never knew you had, and found a much-needed creative outlet amidst the technical grind. As you sit there, brainstorming ideas for something new with your new diverse group of friends, you can’t help but think, “Thank goodness I listened to that hunch.”

Sound familiar? That’s your gut instinct in action, folks!

But Where Do These Magical Feelings Come From?

Now, before you start thinking you’ve got some sort of psychic power, let’s break down what’s really happening here.

Your gut feelings, or intuitions, are actually the result of your brain processing information faster than you can consciously realize. It’s like your mind has a supercomputer that’s constantly analyzing patterns, past experiences, and subtle cues from your environment.

When your conscious mind is busy deciding between spending extra hours in the computer lab or the library, your subconscious is picking up on tiny details — the excitement in the voices of the fest committee members, the creative energy in their planning meetings, or how the idea of event management lights up a part of you that solving differential equations doesn’t. All this information gets processed lightning-fast, resulting in that “hunch” you get.

Black background with white text that says — “Gut Feelings are Guardian Angles”
From Pinterest

How Our Gut Feelings Help Us Daily (Without Us Even Realizing It)

These instincts aren’t just for avoiding rain showers. They play a crucial role in our daily lives:

  1. Decision Making: Ever choose a restaurant based on its “vibe”? That’s your gut helping you avoid potential food poisoning!
  2. Safety: That feeling that tells you to take a different route home at night? It might just be keeping you out of harm’s way.
  3. Friendships: When you instantly click with someone or feel wary around another, your intuition is helping you navigate the complex world of human interactions.
  4. Problem Solving: Sometimes, the solution to a tricky problem just “comes to you.” That’s your intuition connecting dots your conscious mind missed.
  5. Creativity: Those eureka moments in the shower? Yep, that’s your gut feeling sparking innovation.

The Fun Part: Tuning Into Your Inner Guru

So, how can we get better at listening to this inner wisdom? Here are some fun ways to tune in:

  • Play the “What If” Game: Before making a decision, ask yourself, “What if I do this?” and pay attention to your body’s reaction. Butterflies? Excitement? Or dread?
  • Keep a Gut Diary: Sounds weird, but jot down when you get strong hunches. Were they right? You might surprise yourself!
  • Meditate (or Just Sit Quietly): Sometimes, your gut speaks loudest when you shut up that chatty conscious mind for a bit.
  • Trust Fall with Your Intuition: Start with small decisions. Choose an ice cream flavor based purely on instinct. You might discover a new favorite!
A paper with black printed text that says — “TOLD YOU SO”: Sincerely, Your Intutition
From Pinterest

Remember, your gut feeling isn’t infallible. It’s more like a wise, slightly eccentric friend who usually has your best interests at heart. Sometimes it’ll be spot on, other times it might lead you to carry an umbrella on a sunny day. But hey, better safe than sorry, right?

So next time you get that funny feeling, maybe give it a listen. Your inner guru might just be trying to tell you something important — or at least keep you dry at the beach!




Exploring the world with an open heart, embracing curiosity, and discovering both myself and the wonders around me !!!